Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Shoo fly pie, and apple pan dowdy...

It is funny what a song can do to a person. Yesterday I went down to the piano room at the college. I haven't played much in the last 6 months so I spent a good amount of time there. I worked on wedding music for Ryan and Maria, and then I wanted to see how much my piano playing abilities had faded...so I tried playing something from pretty much every genre. My classical is still pretty good...broadway, mediocre...but I've always had a hardish time with that, and swing, well, my hands don't like moving in sink anymore and they hurt like heck after trying to play "In the Mood" but it was fun anyway. :-) I forgot how different each style is to play. It's kinda fun. :-) Oh, and Laura, I still need to get that book! I forgot it AGAIN when I was over the other night, and I MUST learn the Tocatta and Fugue before Erin does. :-D
Anyway, so, I wrapped up my little piano session playing some swing. One piece that I used to always play was "Shoo Fly Pie" but Kristy is the one that owns the music so I haven't played it in foreverbecause I no longer have the music. So as I was headin' home, this song is running through my head...it's a fun song. I've always liked it. So now what? I'm gonna make shoo fly pie! I haven't had it in 15 years and it's SO YUMMY! The last time I had it I was in Amish Country with Katy and Celka. I went to Katy's last night, and so we of course talked about the trip a little bit, even though it was so long ago. It was fun. So yeah, there was a connection here...what was it again??? I don't know what it was going to be exactly, and as I almost never proof these posts, I guess I'm not going to bother finding out. But the long and short of it is, as a result of playing the piano last night, today I'm going to make the best shoo fly pie this side of the....Blue Ridge Mountains. :-D

Monday, May 21, 2007

Silly little bird...

We have lots of birds at work. They're quite fun to watch. Today I was on the back deck for a bit and watched 2 cardinals do a good bit of flirting...they're much like humans, you know...she would fly from the fence to the shed, he'd follow her; then she'd look at him, but the second he looked back, she'd look away; then she'd fly over to the fence again...etc. etc...they carried on like this for a few minutes, and then he got smart, flew into a tree and she sat there lonely...and then followed. I guess she finally realized that he wasn't going to be putting up with just meaningless flirtation and she needed to make up her mind...it was cute...so I decided that they needed their privacy, and turned my eyes toward the pond where I saw a rabbit (not in the pond, hopping around near the pond). There was a butterfly down there too, and it looked like the rabbit was chasing the butterfly, but I know it really wasn't, because rabbits don't do that sort of thing.
Later in the day I was sitting at my desk (something I do only on very rare occaisions). I heard a funny thumping and chirping coming from the front of the building, so I went to check it out. At first I thought that a bird had gotten inside, but that wasn't the case...I looked out the front window and there was a cute little female cardinal pecking at her reflection in the purposeless bronze plate on the bottom of the door. As is always the case, she ran frantically when she saw me looking at her...but it was cute anyway....now the question remains: Who will be the lucky one that gets to clean the mat in front of the door...I'm off the next 2 days, so I'm sure it won't be me. :-)

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Have you ever read the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin is asleep and his mom calls up the stairs to wake him up and he gets ready to go to school and is waiting for the bus and then in the last frame he's back in bed and his mom is calling him again and it turns out it was all just a dream and the poor kid had to go through his normal morning routine a second time?
Yeah, well, that happened to me the other day...except in my dream, I'd gone through the entire day up until about 4 o'clock where I went to take a nap and Kelly was supposed to call me and wake me up at 4:45, but in reality, Stephen called me at 7:42 and I couldn't believe that it was only the beginning of the day and I had to go back to work....